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Nano Pillipede & Millipede Setup


A compact nano-setup featuring a 20 x 15 x 30 setup for millipedes and pillipedes that provides your ‘pedes with a nutritionally complete diet with wood, leaves, specialist substrate, moss, and all of the decorations to create an aesthetically pleasing and professional small millipede setup.

Suitable for pillipedes and small millipedes.

  • Included in this setup:
    • ProRep Mini Terrarium, 31 x 21 x 15cm
    • CreatureCare Millipede Substrate
    • Cork Bark Hide
    • Cuttlefish Bone
    • Creaturecare decomposing wood chunks
    • Live Fern plant
    • Dried Moss
    • ProRep Spray Bottle

In stock


Included in this setup:

  • ProRep Mini Terrarium, 31 x 21 x 15cm
  • CreatureCare Millipede Substrate
  • Cork Bark Hide
  • Cuttlefish Bone
  • Creaturecare decomposing wood chunks
  • Live Fern plant
  • Dried Moss
  • ProRep Spray Bottle

Suitable For:

All pillipedes and small millipedes such as the amber millipede and black fire millipede.

Why we’ve chosen these items:

ProRep’s 31 x 21 x 15cm terrarium is the perfect size to provide a compact, affordable, and spacious home for small millipedes and pillipedes, featuring a top-opening slot-in mesh lid for security and ventilation. Fill the enclosure with Creature Care millipede substrate, an ideal bedding packed with decaying wood and leaves that your ‘pedes will be able to munch on. Add to this the supplementary leaves and bark, which you can add in as you please and use to add additional nutrients to your substrate.

Cuttlefish bone provides a source of calcium for your pets, making sure they develop healthy, sturdy exoskeletons. Pop in the cork bark to provide an area for your pets to hide under while making your setup look more natural. The live fern plant brings this setup together making it look stunnin and is reportedly safe for millipedes while being exceptionally hardy. We’ve added dried moss to this bundle which can be added to add a pop of colour and improve the design of your setup while boosting humidity and providing another food source to munch on. Maintain the enclosure’s humidity with ProRep’s spray bottle, an essential item in keeping all invertebrates. In the end, you’ve got a beautifully designed and aesthetically pleasing setup that provides your ‘pedes with a nutritionally complete diet.


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