Next Day Delivery! Order before 2pm, Monday-Friday. (Exludes Bank Holiday)

7 Day Live Guarantee  for your pet covering 7 days after shipping for peace of mind.

Price Matched Products. Shop equipment without breaking the bank.

Contact Us

We work hard to provide fast & clear responses to any issues or queries, so you can expect a reply within 24 hours. For issues regarding injured, deceased, or unresponsive animals, please reach out here instead.

Frequently Asked Questions

My animal arrived unresponsive or unwell, what do I need to do?

Ensure you’ve removed your pet from its transport cup into its enclosure, or to your hands if the animal cannot cause harm. We can’t provide assistance or store credit for animals that have not had their condition fully assessed outside of their transport container.

We’ll need you to record a minimum of a 5-second video of the animal. The more photographic or video content the better, this will allow us to assess the footage efficiently and with greater confidence. Please note that we may have to ask for more footage. For this reason, please do not bury, euthanize, or otherwise dispose of the animal until you have heard back from a member of our team.

We aim to get back to you within 1 business day, a member of the team will respond with expert advice for your pet along with store credit equal to the value of your unwell pets (with postage if all animals in that shipment arrived unwell) if applicable. 

If your order hasn’t reached you in the expected time frame, please get in contact with us via email, and a member of our team will follow it up ASAP. 

Short delays can occur on occasion, typically this is nothing to worry about and your pet will be with you the following day. If you’ve purchased via next-day delivery, we will refund you the difference. 

If you’ve received an animal that doesn’t look as expected, perhaps it’s a different colour or size, mix-ups can happen and you may have received the wrong species.

With this said, live animals are very variable, even members of the same species. They differ greatly in size an appearance by sex, location of origin, and many other factors.

If you’re concerned, please reach out to us with photos, and a member of our team will get back to you with second opinions.

Email Us

We are currently aware of ongoing issues with emails not being received – please expect delayed responses.

These errors are due to an involuntary change in our hosting provider due to a merger. We are working to resolve this and other related issues as quickly as possible. We thank you for your patience.

If your query is still unanswered after several days, kindly resend your email to us.

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❤ 7-Day Live Guarantee

All live pets purchased from us are guaranteed to be of great health. Any issues in 7 days? Let us know.