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Stick Insects

Which stick insect species should I buy?

The most infamous species of pet stick insect is the Indian stick insect, which are popular due to their ease of care and stick-like appearance. This makes them the ultimate beginner species. Other easy-care options include the Vietnamese stick insect, pink-wing stick insects, and spiny stick insect.

What do stick insects eat? What do I feed mine?

Stick insects are strictly herbivorous animals that eat a small selection of plants. While the plants a stick insect will eat vary highly by species, most will eat bramble, privet, eucalyptus, and rose. Be sure to do your research for the stick insect you want to keep. Their food can be put in container filled with water to keep it alive longer, as stick insects won’t eat dead or dying leaves. Be sure that the container is sealed somehow, as the stick insects may drown.

Is it safe to buy stick insects online? How does this work?

Yes, it’s safe to buy live stick insects from us. We ship exclusively within the UK via ‘Royal Mail Next-Day Before 1pm Guaranteed’ service, ensuring your pet stick and leaf insects spend only minimal time in transit. We’ll send out a shipping confirmation email when they’re on the way. If there are any issues and your animals arrive ill or deceased, we offer refunds for injuries and illnesses within a 7 day window after arrival.*

My pet stick / leaf insects just arrived, what's next?

The wait is over! It’s time to unbox your new pets from their temporary transit containers and get them into their home. Ensure you’ve prepared your pet’s setup ahead of time – you’ll want to get it settled in as soon as possible. Unbox your pet in an open space, ensuring it can’t dart away anywhere. Then, use a soft brush to coax the animal into its new setup, preferably onto the food you’ve prepared for it. Gently mist the enclosure walls with water to allow them a drink, and leave them to settle in.

How do I care for stick insects? Are they easy to care for?

Stick insects are famously easy to care for. While some species are harder than others, unless you’re choosing something exceptionally niche, you’ll have an easy time with care and breeding. Stick insects thrive in a large mesh enclosure with constant access to fresh food, typically common plants found in the UK such as bramble or privet. They don’t need a substrate such as coco-coir, often tissue is fine, but soil substrates help to boost the enclosures humidity which in turn aids the little bugs while they molt. When your stick insects reach adulthood, they may reproduce even without the presence of a male in certain species. Others require both a male and female to produce fertile eggs. When the eggs are laid, they can be collected and promptly euthanised in the freezer, or you can allow the next generation of stick insects to grow and mature.

Do stick insects make good pets?

Stick insects are great pets for children and new keepers, as they’re very easy to care for, can be handled, and pose virtually no danger to their owner (though some species may spray chemicals).

Can stick insects be kept together?

Yes, stick insects can be kept together. Its safe to keep the same species together, however you may want to do some research into mixing different species together, as they may all eat different food, or may even mistake each other for food!