The Exo Terra Stone Desert Substrate recreates the diverse environment found in arid ecosystems, making it the perfect base for your invertebrate habitats. Crafted to emulate the unique composition of desert soils, it blends sand, decomposed granite, and clay to form a substrate that mimics your desert-dwelling invertebrates’ natural environment, offering them a stable substrate to burrow in. Perfect for a wide range of invertebrates, the Exo Terra Stone Desert Substrate enables you to design a variety of landscapes from the sweeping savannahs to the craggy deserts, complete with moist burrows for those species that prefer a cool-humid habitat and elevated spots for those who enjoy warmer, drier climates. A simple spritz of water enables you to shape this substrate into hills, tunnels, or basking platforms for your critters, providing a dynamic environment that allows your pets to thrive. Once dried, the substrate maintains its form, giving your invertebrates the opportunity to further explore and create deep burrows.
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