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Pro Rep ‘Spider Life’ Substrate, 1L


Small 1L Bag ideal for spiderlings and juveniles. ProRep Spider Life Substrate is a moisture-retaining substrate that promotes natural burrowing behaviours, providing an environment that closely mimics the humid natural habitats of spiders and scorpions.

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ProRep Spider Life Substrate is specially formulated to meet the unique needs of spiders and scorpions originating from humid environments, including those that naturally burrow. Designed with an in-depth understanding of these creatures’ habitats, the ProRep Spider Life substrate is carefully blended with select ingredients that provide the perfect mix of structure and moisture retention, akin to the natural environments these arachnids are accustomed to in the wild. This carefully curated mix promotes natural digging and burrowing behaviour, essential for many species of spiders and scorpions. When setting up your enclosure, spread the ProRep Spider Life substrate evenly over the bottom, ensuring a depth that suits the needs of your specific species.


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