Acanthoscurria geniculata, commonly known as the Giant White Knee tarantula, is a species of tarantulas native to the Brazilian rainforest. This striking species is characterized by a dark body that contrasts with the striking white bands present on its legs, which give it the “white knee” in its name. Reaching up to 6 inches in leg span when fully grown, the Giant White Knee is indeed a giant among spiders. Like most tarantulas, they are ground dwellers and prefer to live in burrows in the wild, often hiding during the day and becoming more active during the night. As predators, they feed on a variety of small animals, such as insects, small lizards, and mice. Their hunting technique involves lying in wait for a prey animal to come near and then pouncing on it, injecting it with venom to immobilize and eventually digest it. Despite their intimidating size and appearance, the Giant White Knee tarantulas are not typically aggressive towards humans unless provoked, and their venom is not dangerously toxic to humans, though a bite can be painful.The giant white knee tarantula is known to have a lifespan ranging from 10 to 15 years, with females usually living longer than males. These tarantulas are known for their hardiness and relative ease of care, making them suitable for both beginner and experienced tarantula keepers. However, their high level of activity and fast growth rate compared to other species can make them a bit more challenging for some owners. Overall, their striking appearance and interesting behaviours make them a popular choice for enthusiasts.
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